Friday, June 9, 2017

lab 12

HW article summary

For this H.W  we had to read an article explaining what should we do and not do when we are writing an article/news. The article Explains what are good and bad for your news paper so you can be aware of copyright strike and safety of picture. It basically states that
1. No plagiarism
2. Photo taken by you
3. If photo downloaded form another source make sure to give credit to the website if not they can sue you or take down your news article
4. News must be legal and true if not you can get sue.
5. keep you opinion to your self you can only add them on editors thoughts section.
If you keep this things in mind you can write good and organized article. Also keep those key points in mind you will write a good and successful article.

WBL Reflection Journal

I will go home and edit this because i forgot what we did.

Monday, May 22, 2017

News Paper Project

Hello everyone!
This project is about building our own newspaper. It was as a group. In my group there were 4 people. It was Nathan Vazquez, Brian Valazquez, Keven Moreno and me MD. It was fun how everyone did their part of the work and the project came out nice. Nathan was the chief editor, Keven was the designer, Brian was the manager,  And I was the reporter. We had to write our own article. We had to create our own advertisement which was a real pain. And the rest of the jobs were for the other members.

Friday, April 28, 2017


Hello everyone!
SO we had an IDENTITY project and the main objective was to create a poster that proves or shows identity. It can be like your trait or what you do. Anything that represents you or can represent someone. For this project i used my old "Andy warhole" image because on that I dont have a clear picture of my self it was a perfect picture to use. And in the end i put a question mark in the face so there is no way you can see my face. And then I put the quote " Be who you are its you that makes your identity" The project was fun and by doing this we get to learn how to create a poster and learn more about identity.

News article

This is the last project for this marking period. For this we had to use make our own news paper. The rules were simple. You can take information that is true from another paper but rephrase the words and give credit to the website. Also there were suppose to be 1 pull quote and 3 columns. It was really easy and nice. mine came out like this.

This project is really important. By doing this we get to learn how to write professionally. Also what are the information that needs to go or eligible for newspaper. Also we get to learn hot to use pull quote. Which is important in any kind of writing if you are trying to pull attention. These are needed for jobs and future.

Mini year book

The mini yearbook is the first project we have for this marking period. It was fun. So our main task was to build a mini yearbook. It had 8 spreads and we had to fill it up all by our selves. So we had 4 members. Each had individual part of the job. I was the manager so i had to tell everyone what to do, dividing works, receiving works and deciding what will go where. It was over all fun. Alex was the editor, Jeff was the photographer, I was the manager and Mathew was the designer. The app that was used for this project is mostly InDesign and Photoshop. Also we actually did all the work in Alexe's computer there for we didn't need to combine any work.

This is important to our future. By doing complex project like the yearbook not only we get to learn how to make a yearbook but we also get to learn how to interact with other people and work as a team. Which is needed any part of a job or being in society. The project was really fun. We also will be needing the skills used for this project in the future.